
Daixian crisp pear has one variety and four strains in the country of origin, namely Jingai crisp, white crisp, green crisp and Fu crisp. After the introduction of Daixian, the quality of pear products is definitely better than that of the origin because of the high altitude of the growth environment, low temperature and large temperature difference between day and night. The shape of the fruit keeps the advantages of big, round and beautiful crisp pear, and the peel color is more bright and golden. The color of white skin crisp and green skin crisp fruit surface has become golden yellow; The rusty color of the golden cover gradually disappeared; The ripening period of Fu Su was delayed to avoid fruit cracking. Daixian crisp pear is similar to Ya Pear in fruit type, with brown yellow color, thin skin, thick meat, crisp and delicious, and strong fragrance, so it is named JinSu pear. Because the sugar content is as high as 15.5%, more than twice that of ordinary fresh pears, it is as sweet as jujube, so it is also called Jinmi pear. This kind of pear has the incomparable characteristics of crispness, brittleness, sweetness and fragrance of other pears. Therefore, it is not only strong in raw food palatability, but also unique and unique if processed into preserved pears and cans. Studies have shown that regular consumption of Jinshu pear can help digestion and increase appetite, and has obvious medicinal value. Whether eaten raw or steamed, it has the effects of moistening lung and clearing heart, eliminating phlegm and cough, relieving sore poison and relieving alcohol. In recent years, scholars have found that JinSu pear also has the effects of Nourishing Yin, clearing heat and reducing blood pressure. Patients with hypertension, heart disease and hepatitis often eat JinSu pear, which has a certain therapeutic effect.